Kelly Moore
Salem Appliance Repair
Contact Info:
1450 Sunnyview Rd. N.E. Salem, Oregon 97301
Where did you grow up:
Mostly Southern California
How long in the trade:
35 years

How long in your current company:
4th year
What do you enjoy doing when you’re not at work:
Going to garage sales and finding those antiques and camping and fishing, of course!
To what do you credit your success:
I raised three great kids on my own. They have inspired my life. My son, Mike pushes me to get to the next level every time he comes home from college. Next year he will have his degree in engineering doing HVAC. My daughter just made me a grandfather for the first time. She is also in college. My youngest Son Ryan just got out of the Army with a medical discharge and is also in college.
Raising three kids on your own requires two incomes. This is where the idea for the antiques came from. I had sold stuff on E-Bay since 1991 for that other income. The antiques have become a passion for me.
What do you like about doing business with WL May:
Love Kelly and Chuck and Wes’s beef jerky!
Can you share one piece of advice for others in our industry:
Treat everyone the way you wish to be treated.
Is there anything else you like to say:
I should have my parking lot finished in the next few weeks and then we will be having our grand opening. It will be catered by Chad’s Smoking Barbeque. Chad works here with me and has been a great asset.
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